Art Statement
When I was a little girl, art had been nothing more than a hobby to me. I didn't appreciate nor understand what the other adults saw in art with my young adolescent eye. If I were to ask my younger self "What do you see in this Jackson Pollock painting titled “Number 8”?" I would've probably said "It's nothing more than just a bunch of colors splattered everywhere." Now, with more mature eyes, do I understand that art is more than just "a bunch of colors splattered everywhere". It’s a medium in which people use to develop themselves, inspire others, evoke imagination, and so much more.
What is my art to me? My art is my oasis. My art is away for me to escape from my worries and put my emotions on paper. My art is a place where I can find the balance that I search for in life. I always try to create a piece with composition on the mind. I get a joyfully feeling when I see that my piece is “just right.” And when it comes to the exploration of color, I’m not shy to try something new. Whether that be trying to make a piece only using monochrome colors or using supplementary colors.
Ever since freshman year of high school, my favorite medium is ink. I love making and seeing other people’s simple and/or details ink drawings. It still amazes me that so much can be done with just a pen; from cross-hatching gradations to making your piece look metallic or rough textured. Currently, my favorite type of places to draw are towns, cities, and natural landscapes because I love how busy they look. There is so much happening at once that I don’t know where to look first and I try my hardest to incorporate that into my pieces. I hope to inspire others with my artwork to try an art medium for themselves the same way ink drawings inspired me to pick up a pen.